Monday, 24 February 2014

Banananut bake off ! watch this space...

My good old friends at Liberation Foods have launched a great FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT COMPETITION: the 'Great Banana & Nut Cake Bake Off’ - which is an invitation for people to bake a cake using Fairtrade nuts and Fairtrade bananas, plus whatever else grabs the imagination. (more details here or #banananutbakeoff) for a chance to win some fairtrade goody hampers.

I am not one to shy away from such fun challenge... so I have decided to enter... and I have decided not just to bake a cake... but also to DECORATE it....

Beware... this is what happened last time I tried to decorate a cake:

It's my little man's 1st birthday cake. Obviously a dinosaur (NOT). 

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